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Medical marijuana essays

Medical marijuana essays

Why it is probably too soon to assess the public health effects of legalisation of recreational cannabis use in the USA. Cannabis Sativa plant's flowering top is the source of marijuana as it has Tetrahydrocannnabinol THCmedical marijuana essays, a chemical that induces the state changes among users of marijuana. In recent years, there has been a dramatic shift in the federal regulation and scheduling of the cannabis flower. Indeed, most Americans use the term 'good medicine' metaphorically and sometimes almost literally to describe some function or activity that promotes a sense of well-being" Medical Marijuana, the Workplace and Federalism," Journal of Legal, Medical marijuana essays and Regulatory Issues

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However, as long as the patient is suffering and can match the set criteria for the disorder, who is society to argue that it does not exist and it should not be treated? Medical marijuana has far less abuse and damaging potential than some of the current drugs being prescribed to combat such illnesses and disorders. The legalization and use of medical marijuana will provide the ability for doctors and patients to choose which treatment option will reduce symptoms with the least amount of damaging side affects medical marijuana essays can be caused by such treatments. The majority of physicians surveyed support the used of medical marijuana with the…. References Kreit, Alex the future of medical marijuana: should the states grow their own?

Dahl, Dick Medical marijuana laws go up in smoke Lawyers USA Flynn, medical marijuana essays, Kevin MARIJUANA for MEDICAL USE HAS STRONG SUPPORT in POLLS Denver Rocky Mountain News. Gilman asserts that the debate should not be about the medical value of marijuana, but how the drug should be delivered. The Genetic Science Learning Center outlines several delivery methods of medical marijuana. First of all is smoking. The benefits of this method include that it delivers all of the plant's active compounds, and that it is easy to regulate the dose. Disadvantages of this method are that there is no standardization of ingredients and that the toxins from the burning marijuana may cause emphysema and lung cancer.

Gilman adds that in addition to the risk of lung disease, the potency medical marijuana essays the drug is difficult to measure because THC levels vary between plants. According to the Genetic Science Learning Center, marijuana is also available in a synthetic pill form of THC called Medical marijuana essays. hile this method delivers some of the benefits of marijuana, it is difficult to control the…. Works Cited Bowling, Allen C. CINAHL with Full Text. Cohen, Peter, J. Dresser, Rebecca. Fogarty, A, et al. In Germany it is still an offence under the drug laws to posses the drug but the laws are some what more liberal. For example the prosecution may not press charges where the drug was found to be in 'low quantity 'and was for personal use.

Thus patients have received lower penalties. The progress in Germany is such that in Aprilthe German company THC Pharm received the approval to make "THC dronabinol available to pharmacies, medical marijuana essays. In the U. The debate has taken another turn with economists showing that it is better to legalize the use of marijuana in the open market. For example a research on the relevance of the ban on drugs and crime and economic impacts of legalizing marijuana…. References Degenhardt, Louisa; Hall, Wayne D. Grotenhermen, Franjo. pp: Hyatt, Adam. Legislators and drug enforcers are not physicians and should not substitute their belief system for demonstrable scientific studies showing that medical marijuana does benefit patients.

The federal argument often begins with a denial of this, as if any study that suggests there is no benefit is automatically preferred to the hundreds that show there is. The next claim made is that the harm is greater than the curative power, which is patently false given that studies have trouble even showing harm from any use medical marijuana essays marijuana. The long-standing argument that marijuana is a gateway drug and leads to the use of medical marijuana essays drugs is irrelevant when dealing with medical marijuana, for medical users are not likely users of harder drugs and are only trying to alleviate their suffering in the only way they can. The concern that allowing the medical use of marijuana is only the beginning might or might….

Works Cited Demmer, Bryan. Volume 61, Issue 6 November-Decembermedical marijuana essays, Gold, Mark S. The Good News About Drugs and Alcohol. New York: Villard Books, Lowery, Richard. December 12, Maykut, Madeliane. Health Consequences of Acute and Chronic Marihuana Use. New York: Pergamon Press, Nadelmann, Ethan A. Children entering drug abuse treatment have routinely reported that they heard that marijuana is medicine'and, therefore, believed it to be good for them. hose in favor of medical marijuana believe that studies such as the U. Institute of Medicine are political motivated and outdated.

here are numerous other studies proving the marijuana does have therapeutic use. hese studies show that marijuana provides relief for medical conditions, including nausea and vomiting, stimulating appetite, promoting weight medical marijuana essays, and diminishing intraocular pressure from glaucoma. Further, there is evidence that smoked marijuana reduces muscle spasticity from spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis, and diminishes tremors in multiple sclerosis patients. Marijuana also provides relief from migraine headaches, depression, seizures,…. Those in favor of medical marijuana believe that studies such as the U. There are numerous other studies proving the marijuana does have therapeutic use.

These studies show that marijuana provides relief for medical conditions, including nausea and vomiting, stimulating appetite, promoting weight gain, and diminishing intraocular pressure from glaucoma. Marijuana also provides relief from migraine headaches, depression, seizures, insomnia and chronic pain, among other conditions. Medical marijuana proponents argue that the drug's medical value exceeds its risks and that there are legal drugs more harmful than marijuana. The DEA's Administrative Judge Francis Young said, "In medical treatment 'safety' is a relative term The determination of 'safety' is made in terms of whether a drug's benefits outweigh its potential risks and the risks of permitting the disease to progress. There have been no deaths from marijuana overdose. It's easy to refute the suggestion that medical marijuana will increase use by children.

Data shows that no state with medical marijuana laws has experienced an increase in youth marijuana use since their law's enactment. Medical Marijuana and Social Control: Escaping Criminalization and Embracing Medicalization Marijuana, also known as cannabis is derived from the cannabis plant cannabis sativa. The ingredients of the plant, trahydro-cannabinol, widely known as HTC are part of the plant that gives the 'high' effect. The use of marijuana as a drug has been illegal in many states of America and the nations of the world, medical marijuana essays. In the article 'medical marijuana and social control', assistant professor Patrick K. O'rien explores the current trend in the medicalization of marijuana across the United States of America. O'rien starts by giving an overview of past researches about marijuana, its social effect and the various means used by the federal government to curb it.

Medical marijuana essays research and perceptions of people link to the effects of the drug on individual users and the society. The government and state agencies researching on the topic associate the use of…. Bibliography Burns, L. New approaches to social problems treatment. Bingley: Emerald group publishing. Joy, E. J, Watson, J. S, Jr. Marijuana and medicine: Assessing the science base, medical marijuana essays. Washington D. C: National academy press. Mooney, A, medical marijuana essays. L, Knox, Schacht, Holmes, M. Understanding social problems. Fourth edition. Connecticut: Cengage learning. Deflem, M. Popular culture: crime and social control. Bingley: Emerald-publishing Ltd.

Medical Marijuana To Medical marijuana essays Rick Perry: In the state of Texas, the use of marijuana for medical reasons is illegal, but I would like you to reconsider this issue. I have a personal interest in this issue as I am terminally ill with colon cancer. By the time this issue is resolved in Texas, it will likely be too late for me, but being ill has made me wish to be proactive so that I can help others to alleviate their pain and suffering, medical marijuana essays. Medical medical marijuana essays has proven to help cancer sufferers and other chronically or terminally ill people in a myriad of ways.

I hope you will consider this information and, medical marijuana essays, after reading this letter, promote the use of medical marijuana in the state of Texas so that people in my position will be happier and healthier in the future, medical marijuana essays. Medical marijuana has been proven to alleviate the symptoms…. Works Cited: Ellis, medical marijuana essays, RJ Smoked medicinal cannabis for neuropathic pain in HIV: a randomized, medical marijuana essays, crossover clinical trial. Grotenherman, F. Review of therapeutic effects. Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential.

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However, medical marijuana contains fewer chemicals that cause euphoria. The problem with writing a medical marijuana essay is that there is still a lot of research being made about the uses of this plant. So it usually means reviewing a lot of information before getting an outline of what the essay should look like. For people to write good essays on medical marijuana, better look at a sample paper that will guide on how to outline an interesting introduction, body, and conclusion. Read more. apply filters cancel. Most essays are graded by GradeFixer's experts. Sentence Structure. Evidence and Details. Cannabis is cultivated commercially or grows wild in warm and tropical areas all over the world.

This plant, the material to make marijuana, has appeared for a long time, the scientists have found that the Chinese used cannabis seed as one of their food sources Cannabis Marijuana Medical Marijuana. Medical marijuana is one of the many controversial issues in society today. Medical marijuana has been continuous fight between the federal government, doctors, and patients. On another hand, studies have proven that medical marijuana can be extremely beneficial in eliminates side effect and is less Marijuana Legalization Medical Marijuana Society. Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant.

The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds. Extracts can also be made from the cannabis plant. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit Alternative Medicine Marijuana Medical Marijuana. Medical marijuana uses can be traced back as early as B. C when an emperor named Shen Neng had taunted cannabis tea as a treatment for gout. Rheumatism And even poor memory. He had written a book called Mitch Earleywine, He is a Professor Of Marijuana Marijuana Legalization Medical Marijuana. Should medical marijuana be legalized? The controversy surrounding the use of marijuana leaves many unsure. However, is this stigma justified? After researching the issue and considering the pros and cons of the legalization of medical marijuana, I am inclined to believe that the bad reputation Medical Marijuana.

Cannabis is a natural plant in which has many chemical properties. Medical Marijuana To Governor Rick Perry: In the state of Texas, the use of marijuana for medical reasons is illegal, but I would like you to reconsider this issue. I have a personal interest in this issue as I am terminally ill with colon cancer. By the time this issue is resolved in Texas, it will likely be too late for me, but being ill has made me wish to be proactive so that I can help others to alleviate their pain and suffering. Medical marijuana has proven to help cancer sufferers and other chronically or terminally ill people in a myriad of ways.

I hope you will consider this information and, after reading this letter, promote the use of medical marijuana in the state of Texas so that people in my position will be happier and healthier in the future. Medical marijuana has been proven to alleviate the symptoms…. Works Cited: Ellis, RJ Smoked medicinal cannabis for neuropathic pain in HIV: a randomized, crossover clinical trial. Grotenherman, F. Review of therapeutic effects. Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential. Haworth: New York City, NY Joy, Janet Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base. National Academies:.

Medical Marijuana and Civil Liberties Research Project Part II Literature Review As the specter of Reagan's poorly planned and disastrously waged War on Drugs continues to haunt the American social landscape, an increasing number of ordinary citizens are indulging in an activity which has been demonized by prior generations and criminalized by the federal government. Casual ingestion of marijuana and other cannabis-based products has become legitimized in the eyes of many Americans, as California, Colorado, Washington and a growing number of states have elected to sanction the legal use of marijuana for medicinal purposes through legislative acts and voter propositions placed on public ballots.

Whether smoked and inhaled through the traditional methods of rolling marijuana cigarettes or loading a pipe, or consumed via edible products and absorbed through the digestive process, the active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol THC , exerts a potent psychoactive effect on both body and mind. While seeking…. Bibliography Consroe, Paul. Frank, Jackie. Hall, Wayne, Louisa Degenhardt and Michael Lynskey. Although the decision does not invalidate laws in the 11 states that have approved medical marijuana, it does prevent protection from prosecution of users and doctors who prescribe the drug Henderson.

The 11 states that have legalized medical marijuana use include Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Michigan, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and ashington Medical. Eight states did so through the initiative process, while Hawaii's law was enacted by the legislature and signed by the governor in Vermont's law was enacted by the legislature and passed without signature in , while Rhode Island's law was enacted by overriding the governor's veto in January Medical. From to , 35 states and the District of Columbia passed legislation recognizing the medicinal value of marijuana.

These states include: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Missouri, Maryland, Nevada, New Hampshire, New…. Works Cited Earleywine, Mitch. Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence. Oxford University Press. Retrieved July 26 from Questia Online Library. Henderson, Stephen. June 07, Retrieved July 26, from HighBeam Research Library. Kaufman, Marc. The most noticeable change is JJ's ability to use words: now, when he becomes frustrated in class, he explains what the problem is and he is no longer afraid to get help from the staff.

He has also become more willing to help others who function at a lower academic level" "Mother and Son: The Case of Medical Marijuana". A main reason for which the government is unable to successfully control medical marijuana is the fact that it is not actively involved in the enterprise and that it would rather take on the mission of penalizing those who commit criminal acts and use the medical marijuana legislation as a cover-up Kreit. Although critics might think otherwise, traditional medicine has no beneficial effect in the case of some patients and this makes it absolutely necessary for these patients to be presented with alternatives in trying to gain relief from their pains. Works cited: Barkacs, Linda L. And Barkacs, Craig B.

Medical Marijuana, the Workplace and Federalism," Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues The Politics of Medical Marijuana Santa Ana, CA: Seven Locks Press, Dresser, Rebecca. Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence Oxford: Oxford University Press, Of course, anyone who recalls the popularity of cocaine and opium during the late nineteenth-century knows that the historical use of a drug is not, in itself, a testament to that drug's safety or efficacy, but this long legacy of marijuana use for medicinal purposes is important due to the relative absence of clinical studies.

The three important treatments that marijuana can offer cancer patients is pain relief, appetite stimulation, and mood elevation. The first treatment is perhaps the most obvious, because cancer and the radiation treatments that frequently accompany it are extremely painful and force patients to live in near-constant pain. Marijuana offers an important response to this pain because it has the ability to relieve pain without the serious side-effects that accompany other pain relievers, and particularly those based in barbiturates. Furthermore, marijuana has a much lower potential for addiction compared to painkillers like codeine or morphine,…. References Cohen, P. Medical marijuana, compassionate use, and public policy: Expert opinion or vox populi?

The Hastings Center Report, 36 3 , Coyne, J. Positive psychology in cancer care: Bad science, exaggerated claims, and unproven medicine. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 39 1 , Harris, A. Integrating positive psychology into counseling: Why and when appropriate how. Journal of Counseling and Development:. The Concerns of Medical Marijuana: There are a variety of concerns with the legalization of medical marijuana. At first glance, the safety of marijuana for medicinal use appears to not be in question; however, most testing has been conducted on those casual users who are young and healthy. This does not necessarily mean these same findings will translate to ill patients or those who use marijuana on a continual basis. As Martin noted, adverse consequence on the lungs have been noted on long-term inhalation of marijuana smoke.

There is also a potential for the suppression of the immune system, and although not commonly extreme, withdrawal symptoms upon cessation. Martin also cited Solowji et al. And their findings in their observational studies that demonstrated impairment of cognitive functions, for marijuana users who had a long-term and heavy usage history. Degenhardt and Hall agree that short-term use of marijuana for medicinal purposes…. Works Cited Degenhardt, L. University of Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online.

Martin, B. Medical marijuana aside, serious social, philosophical, and political problems are associated with keeping the drug illegal. First, there is a significant logical contradiction inherent in the legal status of marijuana vs. that of either alcohol or tobacco. Both alcohol and tobacco are widely known to be physically addictive and directly harmful and yet both alcohol and tobacco remain legal. Marijuana, on the other hand, has potential health benefits and is associated only with mild addictive symptoms but marijuana is illegal. Works Cited Grinspoon, Lester and Bakalar, James B. Marihuana: The Forbidden Medicine. Yale University Press. Joy, Janet E. National Academy of Sciences Press. Miron, Jeffery a. Budgetary Implications of Marijuana Prohibition in the United States.

New, Emerging Evidence of Marijuana's Medical Efficacy. The Science of Medical Marijuana. Medical marijuana is slowly gaining steam in becoming a legal drug to treat disease and chronic illness. Its main beneficial component, THC, delivers a number of benefits such as increase in appetite, help with nausea, and even pain management. People with chronic incurable diseases like multiple sclerosis and AIDS have found relief through consistent use of medical marijuana. Marijuana has shown in multiple studies not only its effectiveness but its safeness compared to other typical treatments like opioids and steroids. Therefore it is my belief that medical marijuana should be legal nationwide for use in treatment of chronic illness and disease management.

What are the major "POs" of medical marijuana? Some pros are the growing number of people using and growing marijuana. Not only does this help in making it more easily available, but it also increases its qualities and sellers have to compete and deliver better product, especially in…. References Harrison, B. Marijuana and Chronic Nonmalignant Pain in Adolescents. Mayo Clin Proc, Johnson, B. Medical Marijuana. An Analysis of Applicants Presenting to a Medical Marijuana Specialty Practice in California. Journal of Drug Policy Analysis, 4 1 , Indeed, most Americans use the term 'good medicine' metaphorically and sometimes almost literally to describe some function or activity that promotes a sense of well-being" Certainly, crack addicts would maintain that they "feel better" when they have plenty of their drug of choice, just as alcoholics or any other substance abuser; with marijuana though, it remains unclear just how long the federal government can hold out against this growing social shift in how this seemingly benign drug is viewed by most Americans today, many of whom may have experimented with it when they were younger, or indeed, who continue to use it on a regular basis in their adult lives.

Works Cited Bock, Alan W. Waiting to Inhale: The Politics of Medical Marijuana.. Santa Ana, CA: Seven Locks, Christenson, Vonn. Earleywine, Mitch. New York: Oxford University Press, Cannabis The Efficacy of Medical Marijuana Use in Palliative Care Clinical Question Because marijuana has been legalized for medical use in twenty states, its use has received much media attention and scrutiny. Nurses need to be aware of their roles, rights, and responsibilities regarding working with patients who have been prescribed medical marijuana. Likewise, nurse practitioners need to be aware of the specific circumstances in which medical marijuana might be indicated as a treatment intervention.

The focus of this research is on the efficacy of medical marijuana in a specific patient population: persons in palliative care. Approximately 1. If it is possible that medical marijuana will help patients in palliative care, nurses need to be aware of this fact. The specific clinical question for this topic would be as follows: Among hospice or palliative care patients…. References de Vries K, Green AJ Therapeutic use of cannabis. Nursing Times; 9, Green, A. Cannabis use in palliative care. Joural of Clinical Nursing pdf HPNA HPNA position statement: The use of medical marijuana.

NHPCO NHPCO's facts and figures: Hospice care in America. Current Events Medical-Marijuana On July 12, the Seattle city council took the first steps toward the regulation of medical-marijuana dispensaries within city limits. The city would require that "medical-marijuana operations get a city business license and comply with city land-use, fire safety, and other rules. Governor Chris Gregoire's veto clearly makes medical-marijuana dispensaries illegal, and in response to the partial veto, the city of Seattle has taken the steps to regulate medical-marijuana dispensaries on their own.

The issue of medical-marijuana had become a major issue with the advance of medical technologies and treatments, specifically chemotherapy, but also other ailments such as AIDS. In July of…. Works Cited "Medical Marijuana - History Of Medical Cannabis" Medical Marijuana - Cannabis Medical Dictionary. Web 12 July html Racial Profiling Data Collection Resource Center at Northeastern University. Web 13 July php Ruiz, Albor. Web 13, July AIDS -- it boosts appetite in patients who are experiencing severe weight loss. Neurological disorders, including spinal cord injury and multiple scleroses -- it reduces pain and spasticity that results from nerve damage.

Inflammatory pain -- it has been found that Cannabinoids are more effective than opiates in treating long-term, chronic pain. Autoimmune diseases like arthritis- it holds back the immune system thus resulting in less pain and inflammation Cannabis in the Clinic? More recent research has shown that there are additional benefits to the use of marijuana. A University of Saskatchewan study has suggested that the use of marijuana may encourage the growth of brain cells. This study also showed that a synthetic substance comparable to ones found in marijuana stimulates cell growth in regions of the brain that is linked with anxiety and depression.

In addition, a study conducted by the Scripps esearch…. References Bushman, Melissa. The Health Risks and Benefits of Using Marijuana: Does One Outweigh the Other? Medicinal Marijuana Medical Marijuana The issue of accepting or not to accept the use of marijuana for the purported medical reasons still looms large. States like California passed the bill allowing the physicians to prescribe marijuana to patients who may find this medication appropriate and applicable to their situations. Some of the conditions that medicinal marijuana is said to be able to treat are cancer, AIDs wasting syndrome, relief of muscle spasm and tremors among victims of multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries, in treating glaucoma as well as handling chronic pain Carol Eustice, The issue of marijuana being a drug as well as medicinal herb has brought substantial controversy among the different medical practitioners and the law enforcement agencies.

However, it has remained…. References Carol Eustice, Medicinal Marijuana: A Continuing Controversy. htm Drug Library, Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, htm Drug Info, Report on Consultation on the Findings and Recommendations of the working party on the use of Cannabis for Medical Purposes. Legislative Letter Jason M. Lewis, Senator Chair of the Joint Committee on Public Health State House Tel [HIDDEN] Dear Senator Lewis, A public health emergency was declared by Governor Deval Patrick on March 27, , due to the dramatic rise in opiate abuse in Massachusetts Cassidy, While these measures are a step in the right direction, the number of deaths to opioid overdose surged in December, from 60 in the previous month to MacQuarrie, The explanations offered include heroin mixed stronger opiates and stronger restrictions governing prescription painkillers.

The sudden, inexplicable closing of the Andrew House Detoxification Center, a bed facility on Long Island, certainly didn't help the situation any Cullen, One solution, which is already a…. References Bachhuber, M. Medical cannabis laws and opioid analgesic overdose mortality in the United States, JAMA Internal Medicine, 10 , Cassidy, P. Governor declares war on opiate epidemic. Cape Cod Times. Cullen, K. Rushed closing of Long Island Bridge takes a human toll. Boston Globe. Massachusetts marijuana advocates decry 'nasty' bill that would severely limit State's MMJ program. Marijuana Business Daily. Abstract In this essay, we discuss CBD Oil. We discuss what CBD oil is, the benefits it has, the potential side effects from using it, the different types of CBD oil available, who can take it, and the best CBD oils.

By the time you finish reading the essay, you should feel as if you have a comfortable overview of CBD oil and what it can and cannot do. In addition to providing an overview of CBD oil, this essay also serves as an example of an academic essay. It provides a template for an academic essay format. Therefore, in this CBD oil article, you will find: an introduction, a hook, a thesis statement, a structured body with evidence and analysis of that evidence, a conclusion, and a reference section. In addition, you will find sources cited in an academic format and correctly formatted in the essay and in the….

Works Cited Alexander, Olivia. Accessed 5 June Hickok, Kimberly. Accessed 4 June Semigran, Aly. Thompson, Dennis. Wong, Kathy. Chamberlain College of Nursing NR Evidence-Based Practice Evidence Matrix Table Independent I Dependent D Size and Selection Major Findings sample not a real article Smith, Lewis , What should I eat? A focus for those living with diabetes. Journal of Nursing Education, 1 4 How do educational support groups effect dietary modifications in patients with diabetes? D-Dietary modifications Education Qualitative Convenience sample-selected from local support group in Pittsburgh, PA Focus Groups Support and education improved compliance with dietary modifications.

de Vries K, Green AJ Therapeutic use of cannabis. Describe the potential uses of cannabis in palliative care, and to help nurses advocate for patients by providing information about cannabis use and legality. How should nurses react when patients ask about medical marijuana? None; not an experimental research design. Literature Review Untold quantities of research studies in published journals. Peer-reviewed and professional literature. Introduction Medical marijuana has increasingly been in the news as a growing number of states throughout the U. have passed measures or at least put on the ballot an initiative to legalize either medicinal or recreational marijuana usage. The history of marijuana in the U. is one that goes back as far as the country itself: hemp a type of marijuana plant was used for rope, paper and a number of other purposes because of its strong fibrous tissue.

Medical Use of Marijuana Increasing use of medical marijuana Having looked at the various areas that medical marijuana has been brought into use and the various forms in which marijuana is administered, it is also important to take note of the various challenges that come with it. There have been various researches that have been conducted that covers the medical as well as the ethical side of the medicinal marijuana, and there have been a dilemma in the balance of the two sides on whether to institutionalize the drug or to stop it, and even on whether the medicinal use can be made to work without the proneness to abuse as is the case at the moment. Medicinal marijuana has neither medical nor ethical standing within the contemporary society where drug abuse is one of the biggest worries of governments across the world and the alternative medicines that medical research….

Medical Marijuana Use and the National Drug Policy It is clear that the marijuana plant covers numerous elements that may prove prized when it comes to treating a variety of symptoms illnesses or, leading numerous individuals to argue that it should be made legally obtainable for medical determinations. The states of Colorado and Washington in the United Sates have legalized marijuana for fun use. However, there is a quantity of other states which have legalized basic marijuana for "medical" utilization. esearch shows that even more states are passing laws that permitting individuals to start practicing medical marijuana.

Therefore, if an individual lives in a state where medical marijuana is permitted and their physician trusts that it would benefit, they will get what is called a "marijuana card. When it comes to national policy, twenty-three states…. References Drug Policy: Marijuana. Have Medical Marijuana Laws Contributed to Greater General Marijuana Use by Adults? medical and ethical dilemmas, even if the activities were deemed technically legal or not questioned at the time. The fact that the studies sought to gain information from human subjects under unfair and undesirable circumstances means their results cannot be condoned and the findings cannot be accepted or used as viable study data. Each study directly crosses the line into scientific unacceptability in different ways; and while their underlying approaches raise interesting historical and philosophical questions -- that did not need to be tested to be debated -- there is no way to weed out the biases that contaminate the data.

This can be seen in the fact that in every instance the medical professionals involved were either directly or indirectly punished for…. Pain Management of America Chronic Pain Treatment and Management with Medical Marijuana. One very important aspect related to smoking marijuana concerns the number of deaths reported on an annual basis linked to using other legal and illegal substances. For example, according to the U. ureau of Mortality Statistics, , Americans die annually as a direct result of smoking cigarettes; , die prematurely from drinking alcohol; some 20, die from abusing legal prescription drugs like Oxycontin, Valium, Percodan, and other drugs prescribed by physicians; 2, die from the effects of consuming too much caffeine, mainly from heart failure, while the number of Americans who die from smoking marijuana currently stands at zero, an indication that smoking marijuana does not directly cause any known fatal and debilitating disease "The Legalization of Marijuana," Internet.

Therefore, considering the number of Americans who die prematurely from consuming alcohol which has been legal since the end of Prohibition in the early 's, there is no logical reason not…. The Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization in the United States. New York: Random House, Medical Marijuana Legislation and Civil Liberties When the historic passage of legislation permitting medical marijuana use in states like Arizona , Delaware and Massachusetts is considered in conjunction with the fact that 13 other states have similar legislation or ballot measures pending, the traditional conception of marijuana ingestion as a criminal act is being reexamined on a societal level. Further bolstering this assertion is the legal situation in California, Colorado and Washington, where marijuana has been decriminalized entirely and permitted for recreational sale by licensed dispensaries, providing the platform for a restoration of basic rights in these jurisdictions.

With approximately half of the states in the union already affording citizens with medical needs the liberty to seek relief in the form of marijuana, while the federal government's ostensible ban on the substance remains in effect, the stage has been set for a national debate over the merits of…. References Mill, J. Mill's Utilitarianism: Text and criticism. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth Pub. The design of the study was to compare the patterns and frequency of recreational drug use of various types, and of the attitudes expressed by residents of California to the behavior and attitudes on the same issues in the 10 other states after California legalized marijuana for medicinal use in The number of respondents in California was 2, and a total of 12, in the other 10 states.

The Trevino and ichard study involved a sample of drug users and non-drug users surveyed for their responses to questions about their opinions about the legalization of marijuana, and also of other illicit recreational drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines. The Page, Verhoef, Stebbins, Metz, and Levy study utilized a self-reported questionnaire developed specifically as a tool for this study designed to identify differences in the choices made by patients with MS to use marijuana as…. References Khatapoush, S. And Hallfors, D. Page, S. President Richard Nixon chose to ignore and through the whole report into the garbage.

Instead, he had the Drug Enforcement Agency DEA created and were given authority enter homes without knocking and to use wiretaps and gather intelligence virtually on anyone Milestones. In the 's President Ronald Reagan continued the war by advocated his own war and it was estimated that due to these wars, someone was arrested on a violation of a marijuana law every 38 seconds. Thankfully, these wars have become more focused on the real drug problems that are primarily synthetic or man made or used in ways never imagined.

But heroin and methamphitamines are clearly not health regimens. They kill people every day, cause real crimes and ruin families, lives and destroys entire groups. The first step in changing the view of marijuana began with the legalization for medical usage. The compassions for the ill allowed…. Works Cited " Buchanan, Wyatt. Gray, Jim. Both websites offer a balanced viewpoint on the gateway drug issue, but the MPP makes a more convincing argument. The hite House publication called "hat Americans Need to Know About Marijuana" is available in PDF format, either as a full file or in sections.

The PDF format is convenient for people who wish to save the document to their hard drive and read it at a later date, and is also easy on the eyes. However, there are drawbacks to PDF files, such as the lack of hypertext and the amount of memory usage…. What Americans Need to Know About Marijuana. Legalization of marijuana has been a controversial topic in the media as of lately. Completely legalizing marijuana would mean allowing just about anyone to have access to it -- of course with some government regulation. However, opponents of this process argue that the health detriments are enough to merit harsher punishments and the complete ban of this substance. Despite opposition to marijuana's legalization, there are many more benefits that need to be taken into consideration before rushing to any particular judgment.

In order for the welfare of all of the aforementioned entities to be established, marijuana needs to be legalized. As of , the states of Colorado and Washington have…. ABC News Network, 27 Aug. Astaiza, Randy. Business Insider, 08 Nov. Ferner, Matt. com, 28 Aug. The Robesonian, 30 Apr. Even proponents of medical legalization concede marijuana cannot cure or even alleviate the symptoms of MS or glaucoma, merely act as a narcotic. True, other narcotics exist on the market today -- and like marijuana, they are also addictive. Whether they are more or less addictive than marijuana remains uncertain, but advocates say the chronically ill should be able to choose what works best for them while opponents say only tested, carefully titrated drugs should be used as palliatives.

Weighing the rights of the sick with marijuana's long and short-term side effects is a delicate balance. When marijuana is smoked, users often suffer similar short as well as long-term problems to those of regular smokers, including a smoker's cough and breathing problems. The active agent in marijuana, THC,…. References Amsterdam drugs. Amsterdam Info. On the legalization or not of marijuana. The New York Times. Legalization of marijuana. Paternalistic legislation, even when warranted, must be logically consistent both in theory and in practical application, in the case of marijuana, prohibitions against its medicinal use, even if still unproven in clinical trials, is logically and ethically inconsistent with the legal status of substances like tobacco which are devoid of any possible beneficial use and which, unlike marijuana, have actually been proven to cause disease and premature death.

Governmental paternalism is appropriate in many instances, including ensuring the safety and efficacy of substances used for medicinal purposes. However, the application of paternalistic legislation must, if nothing else, be logically consistent. Federal prohibition criminalizing marijuana, even for medicinal purposes, is completely unjustified, particularly in light of the legal status of tobacco, which has absolutely no beneficial medical use and whose recreational use accounts for tremendous human harm. Critical literary work on constitutional law, civil rights, and the moral justification for paternalistic legislation authored by attorney and Harvard University law professor, Arthur Miller.

Taylor, R. Buffalo: Prometheus Critical literary work on the logical basis for social norms, laws, civil rights, and the morality of ethical principles in human life authored by renowned ethicist, and Cornell philosophy professor Richard Taylor. marijuana should be legalized only for medicinal purposes. The debate over medicinal marijuana usage and legality is a controversial one. Many experts argue the drug costs society too much money in terms of law enforcement and incarceration costs when the monies could be better spent in other law enforcement areas. A large majority of the American people does believe marijuana should be decriminalized for medical usage.

However, several questions regarding medicinal marijuana usage that must be addressed. First, is marijuana a safe and effective medicine? Proponents maintain marijuana has been used medicinally for thousands of years and for a variety of uses. They claim that it is safe, no one has ever "died…. References Author not Available. html Cauchon, Dennis. Fackelmann, Kathleen. htm Frood, Arran. The active chemical ingredient, THC, is accessed by smoking marijuana and is used for both recreational and medical reasons. The pro-legalization supporters and the anti-legalization supporters are divided by ethical and medical viewpoints. The use of marijuana is linked with health risks, but it is also associated with beneficial medical and therapeutic uses.

Opponents of legalization also raise concerns about marijuana abuse, dependency, and its stance as a "gateway" drug which could lead a user to try "harder" drugs. Tobacco smoking and drinking alcohol give concerns for abuse, dependency, and have been linked with the use of "harder" drugs, however these substances remain legal. A total of 14 states have allowed for the use of marijuana for medical purposes, and some studies have indicated the benefits of decriminalization of marijuana as law enforcement efforts and resources can be used for more significant crimes. There is a concern that the legalization…. Works Cited Drewe, M, F Drewe, and A Riecher. Grossman, M, F Chaloupka, and K. Joffe, A, and W. Leung, Lawrence. In the shifting views about the health effects of marijuana, there is a general trend for states to relax the rules around this substance across the nation.

Some states have already lifted the ban against marijuana for recreational purposes. The state of California set the pace in this discussion and shifting perceptions when it passed a proposal now popularly known as proposal to allow possession of small amounts of the substance for medical uses Murphy and Carnevale Other states have followed suit. The most notable among these states are the District of Columbia and six other states. They have all allowed possession of marijuana; not for medical use only, but for recreational purposes. There are several contributing factors to this phenomenon.

One of the most outstanding reasons is that the much-touted war on drugs across the nation has…. It has been proved that drug dealers succeed in selling their drugs, even with the measures introduced by the American government. Countries like the Netherlands have become famous due to their tolerance of cannabis and millions of tourists visit them every year as a result. Considering the fact that the Netherlands has continued to have a great cultural value, and, that it has continued to have more tourists visiting it because of reasons other than its cannabis coffee shops, it is obvious that the Dutch have not been affected by the legalization of Marijuana. Buckley Jr. illiam F. Goode, Erich. Legalizing Marijuana: Drug Policy Reform and Prohibition Politics.

Praeger: Chambliss, illiam J. Wolf Shenk, Joshua. Souder Mark, Zimmer Lynn. There is much more to the issue and how it is addressed than that Seamon, These states are: Alaska California Colorado Hawaii Maine Maryland Michigan Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Rhode Island Vermont Washington Seamon, Criticisms of Decriminalization Gateway Drug The war on drugs has been in the news for some time now, and marijuana has been included in that war. It continues to be listed as important in the speeches of many politicians, and it continues to be at the forefront of a great many debates about how our tax money should best be spent Gray, ; Pacula, b.

One of the main concerns of the war on drugs, however, does not deal with what politicians think about it. Rather, it deals with what police think about it. Police are, after all, the ones that are out there on the streets every day, trying to fight the…. Bibliography Anslinger, H. htm Austin, James. Brazaitis, Tom. Should Concede Defeat in the War on Drugs. Perth, Australia: The University of Western Australia, Department of Economics. Decriminalize Marijuana in Canada The question as to whether Canada should decriminalize the use, sale, and cultivation of marijuana has been debated over the past few years, and the debate has taken a sharper turn now that it is being decriminalized in Colorado and soon in ashington State. hat are the economic and social benefits of making marijuana legal in Canada -- and what is the residual impact on human health?

Given that today there are glaring inconsistencies in Canadian law regarding marijuana -- as opposed to the legal sale of alcohol and tobacco -- how does the Canadian government propose to adjust its current laws if indeed marijuana becomes legal? These are the pertinent questions to be answered in this paper. Thesis: The position of this writer is that Canada should proceed to decriminalize marijuana and remove the label of "controlled substance" -- because marijuana does less harm to…. Works Cited Danovitch, Itai. Flister, Larissa Ducatti. Riley, Diane. Others believe that it is no better than other drugs and can even be more dangerous when used for long periods of time "Medical Marijuana," After centuries of use, it seems ridiculous that the government would get up in arms about marijuana proliferation for personal or medical use in the United States.

If marijuana can relieve the symptoms of deadly diseases, allowing those suffering from them to be more comfortable, it should be used. In addition, Guither makes it clear that the reason marijuana was made illegal was not a result of scientific evidence or the opinions of experts. Instead, the illegalization of marijuana was fueled by political, economic, and social incentives. By legalizing marijuana, the United States would free law enforcement from focusing on this problem to train their focus on real crime. eferences Guither, P. Why Is Marijuana Illegal? etrieved June 18, , from Salon. References Guither, P. Retrieved June 18, , from Salon. html "Medical Marijuana. Retrieved June 18, , from Pro-Con. Web Site:.

Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana is one of the most popular recreational drugs in the United States, exceeded in popularity by only alcohol and tobacco. Recent research reveals that "more than 70 million Americans have smoked marijuana at some point in their lives, and that million have smoked during the last year NORML, Keith Stroup, Esq. have acknowledged having smoked marijuana at some point in their lives. The legalization of marijuana has been a topic of controversy for several years. Many proponents of the drug argue that marijuana should be legalized for both medical….

Bibliography Marijuana Policy Project MPP. March 30, Multiple Sclerosis Patient Arrested for Using Medicinal Marijuana in U. Jim Rogan's Office. National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws NORML. Federally Commissioned Study Supports Medical Marijuana, Dismisses Drug's "High Potential For Abuse. National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. Testimony of R. Rosenthal, Ed. Kubby, Steve. Why Marijuana Should Be Legal. Thundermouth Press. legalization of marijuana and its benefits to the society. Our arguments are focused on its medicinal value, income generated economic value to the state as well as the possible losses to tax payer's money as a result of trying to implement its prohibition. Our analysis is done via a thorough review of relevant literature containing expert opinions.

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