Thursday, January 27, 2022

Essay on history

Essay on history

The global financial crisis of is a great modern history essay topic. I assume that, in spite of the fact that in the classical ancient Greek tragedy, everything must obey the will of the gods and the evil rock, in the tragedy of Sophocles' Oedipus the King, it can be observed a big role of free human will, which leads to a tragic end. Thousands of young American men were killed in the forests deep in Vietnam, essay on history. Historical context History of the human world offers a great number of cases, when people were protecting themselves in front of judges, juries and victims, but still unwilling to forsake their beliefs. Mann Surprising revelations about life in the Americas Before Columbus. Weapon development during World War Essay on history. It was an infectious disease that affected a large part of Afro-Eurasia in the mid-fourteenth essay on history with millions […].

Transformational Leadership Essay Sample

Our past shapes the way we act in the future. For instance, if we did not learn about the devastating attack on the World Trade Center where planes were hijacked and flown directly […], essay on history. The current methods and knowledge on public speaking are drawn from the Western and Ancient Greece methods of public speaking. Public speaking and communication form the foundation of the society since it allows the people to interact with others thereby forming connections, influencing the decisions taken and motivating change in the society. One of the […]. Introduction The Salem Witch Trials were a group of US trials and prosecutions that resulted from the paranoia of townspeople in which two hundred people were accused of witchcraft and nineteen were hanged.

The trials took essay on history in colonial Massachusetts over a nearly 7-month period in the years of and The colony would […]. World War II was one of the most influential events in world history. Not only did it shape the way the modern world works, it influenced the multitude of governments within it and changed the course of history. There was 16 allied essay on history fighting with 7 axis nations killing 40, to 50, essay on history, people making it […]. The Vietnam war was a conflict between the north and south vietnam governments and the time span of this war began from all the way down to the year of fighting in the locations or North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.

One important fact was the south essay on history vietnam had an ally […]. Many do not know that slaves came before and they were treated as and that many were freed in their lifetimes. Slaves in the seventeenth century were much […]. An eventful time in American History, full of pride, bloodshed, self-realization, and building of an independent nation. A nation was fought for and built, created things, the very things that make America the great country it is today. A rebellion would change the world, in a matter of nearly a decade of unrest and essay on history. The ancient Egyptians started mummification over years ago!

The embalmers, scribes, and cutter, who were all part of the process, worked for over two months to mummify the pharaohs and important people. Mummification is a crazy, but interesting idea from the process of mummification to who they decide to mummify. History of Mummification The […]. A profound turning point in United States history between the period of was the American Revolution. It elevated recognition of social inequality, which drove some people and groups to call for the abolition of slavery and greater political democracy in the new state and national governments. This war can be understood in essay on history historical […]. One of the most iconic female rulers in history, Cleopatra has made a name for herself by using her charm, wit, and cunning and rose to become the last active leader of the Ptolemaic Kingdom.

She became known throughout history as a seductress who captured the hearts of two of the most powerful members of […], essay on history. Taking place in colonial Massachusetts, the trials essay on history in late February and lasted through May of There were at least twenty-five people who died: nineteen of which were executed by hanging, one person was tortured to their death, […]. Soldiers from a foreign country attacked them from the shadows. Thousands of young American men were killed in the forests deep in Vietnam. The national interest of America that Americans developed after the Yalta Conference encouraged us to join the Korean […].

The Vietnam War was iniated in Essay on history 1st and was finished on April 30 because communism was starting essay on history grow in Vietnam and the U. S wanted to keep it contained. At the time President Nixon was really worried that if Vietnam was to become communist other nations would soon follow and switch to […]. Wedged between Panama and Nicaragua, lies a small, culturally-rich country with a compelling history dating back centuries. Costa Rica is believed to be populated by indigenous colonies since 10, BC with Mayan and Aztec cultural influences.

It was not untilthat Christopher Columbus arrived and gave the country the name, Costa Rica, translating to […]. The American Revolution, I choose this topic because this was one of the greatest impacts for America, essay on history. The American Revolution is considered as the most significant event in American history. Before America was what it is today it had the 13 colonies that were ruled by the British Empire. At the time, the British empire […]. The Greek Genocide started during and after World War I from to More specifically, the Ottoman Empire were the central antagonists that perpetuated this systematic extermination of millions of innocent Greek lives.

Amongst the lofty death toll, other unfortunate consequences of […]. There have been several events in American history where people can recall the exact moment in time. John F. After the assassination, most people around the nation felt that John F. People felt this way because he was a popular president that fought […]. I was scared all the time. Living in the current American culture makes it difficult to imagine, but persecution and acts […]. Essay on history fascinating history of the Industrial Revolution begins with a brief understanding of what Pre-Industrial Revolution life was like in the early s. Their success in farming was very weather dependent and they made everything themselves from […].

It is impossible to discuss the history of the battle for civil rights for Hispanics without including Black Americans, essay on history. The battle for civil rights in the south, particularly in the state of Texas, is often […]. The Declaration of Independence has been justly celebrated since it was written and distributed on July 4, Yet one who reads it today cannot fail to be struck by a series of inconsistencies and even departures from morality. This paper will […]. The Black Death was a monumental epidemic that took millions of lives and spread its devastation throughout Europe and Afro-Eurasia countries. It was an infectious disease that affected a large part of Afro-Eurasia in the mid-fourteenth century with millions […], essay on history.

Julius Caesar was born on July 13, BC. He was a controversial figure of ancient Rome. A military general and a Roman politician, he changed the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Over 6 million jews died all in one period of time. All those people died in the holocaust because of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi group. The Holocaust changed the world forever, and is something we will never essay on history. Jews and many others had to experience harsh conditions, and the Holocaust made such a huge […]. Between the Mediterranean and Aegean seas on a peninsula lies the land of Greece. A land sculpted by mountainous terrain with limited farmable land led the Greeks to be avid seafaring peoples.

Ancient Greece has a very rich history separated by various essay on history that denote their success and decline as a civilization. A rather unconventional […]. The Vietnam War has been known in U. S history as essay on history longest and most controversial war. The United States became involved in Vietnam to avoid having the country fall to a communist form of government. There were numerous fateful battles that claimed countless lives of those on both sides of the war. This war also […]. While the Great depression originated in […]. The Holocaust is one of the most horrific events to occur in the twentieth century, it lasted from to For years the question that still remains is was this final solution an intentional plan created by Hitler, made ahead of time or was it a last minute decision based off of the circumstances […].

Surrounded by admiration, controversy, and legacy, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. Fifth of nine children, John was born May 29, in Boston, Massachusetts. The Kennedy children enjoyed a comfortable childhood, Patrick Joseph Kennedy their father, essay on history, was a successful business man ensuring his children were well provided for. Rose essay on history. This was one of the most tragic events that happened to natives on US soil, between the inhuman and unethical treatment as well the overuse of power for the gain […]. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I essay on history you to an academic expert, essay on history.

Plagiarism checker Essay on history the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Why is History Important? Importance of Public Speaking in History The current methods and knowledge on public speaking are drawn from the Western and Ancient Greece methods of public speaking. History of the Salem Witch Trials Introduction The Salem Witch Trials were a group of US trials and prosecutions essay on history resulted from the paranoia of townspeople in which two hundred people were accused of witchcraft and nineteen were hanged. World War II as the most Influential Events in History World War II was one of the most influential events in world history.

The Vietnam War in History The Vietnam war was a conflict between the north and south vietnam governments and the time span of this war began from all the way down to the year of fighting in the locations or North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, essay on history. An Eventful Time in American History An eventful time in American History, full of pride, bloodshed, self-realization, essay on history, and building of an independent nation. History of Mummification The ancient Egyptians started mummification over years ago! American Revolution in United States History A profound turning point in United States history between the period of was the American Revolution.

An Iconic Female Ruler in History — Cleopatra One of the most iconic female rulers in history, Cleopatra has made a name for herself by using her charm, essay on history, wit, and cunning and rose to become the last active leader of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. A History of Costa Rica Wedged between Panama and Nicaragua, lies a small, culturally-rich country with a compelling history dating back centuries, essay on history.

controversial argument essay topics

Life before the invention of photography could be a topic that outlines how people preserved images back in the day. You can compare and contrast the history of Roman and British empires. Examples of music created for political causes could be an interesting hook for a music history essay. T he history of medicine can provide some striking facts about the bizarre antique cures. Summary of the achievements of the American civil rights movement can provide an impression of what a dream of one man could do. An argumentative essay topic about the value of public communication can be chosen and created by using examples from the world history. A paper on the music of ancient civilizations can shine a light on prehistoric cultures.

Your project can be about the anti-fascist activists in the US before WW II. It is possible for high school students to write about the events of the year when they were born. The hippie culture of the s can be presented as a response to the events of the era. Also, the fashion of hippies can be explored in your project with examples of real clothing. The New Wave movement in cinema was revolutionary for its time and can be an interesting essay topic. The same could be said about the New Wave genre of music that became popular in the s. Another music genre that captured the imagination of the public can be explored in an essay on the history of rock music. History of propaganda in films can help explore some pivotal moments in world history.

Canadian history of sport is an interesting topic to explain why hockey is so popular in the Great White North. Economics of sport throughout history may also interest the reader due to the massive commercial expansion of sport in recent decades. Education during the renaissance was booming and could serve as a great topic for an essay. Education during the middle ages was rare and could contrast the previous topic. The justifications that the US used for the drop of the nuclear bombs during World War II is a controversial topic but an interesting one.

American involvement in the Korean War is an often overlooked topic, but it deserves attention. To show how turbulent history of a single country may be, the causes and effects of the military coups in Nigeria could be fascinating. The war between Iran and Iraq could be seen as one of the most critical proxy wars of the modern history. The space race was an iconic element of the Cold War, and it is related to many history essay topics. Events that led to the rise of the Saudi Arabia can show how fast a country can develop when money is not an issue. The British music invasion into the US market has had a significant effect on American music and can be an interesting topic. The process of reparations for the Maori people in New Zealand in a rare success story of an ex-British colonial country making up for the discrimination its natives endured.

Roman graffiti is a lighthearted topic that describes a less discussed aspect of Roman culture. The gender roles of Roman society can be compared and contrasted with the gender roles of the people of Gaul that often fought each other. The prominent figures of the American Revolution include a great variety of people who would later compose the most important documents of the US. A compare and contrast essay about the similarities of American and Bolshevik revolutions can show how the most prominent opponents of the Cold War had similar beginnings. The history of Japanese isolationism could be interesting to explore as a unique moment in world history. The Carnation Revolution of was an almost bloodless coup and represents one of the few examples of peaceful transitions to democracy.

The golden age of piracy is an interesting topic about an era that is often glamorized in fiction. The Copper Country Strike was one of the most tragic cases of death due to anti-strike action, and its events are still discussed today. The St. The Yalta Conference was one of the most important events of World War II with British, Soviet, and American leaders discussing post-war plans. British colonization of Africa was one of the most tragic; the causes and effects of it could be interesting to examine. A paper on the evolution of flight could provide a timeline of marvelous engineering throughout history.

Operation Paperclip was a secret plan to integrate scientists of Nazi Germany after the end of World War II which events lead to the beginning of the space race. Historical events that were predicted in fiction can be one of the more exciting history essay topics. African American music history can be explored to show how oppression influenced culture. Biography of Julius Caesar is filled with dramatic events and is one of the most exciting history essay topics. Aztec life before the arrival of the colonists was filled with horrible sacrifices and deserves examination. The causes and effects of Manifest Destiny are bizarre and tragic by modern standards but were considered righteous in their day. You could compare and contrast the life of the Roman leader Julius Caesar and Nicholas II of Russia because they were almost mirrored images of each other.

The actions of Churchill led to some of the worst defeats for the British forces during World War I , but are overshadowed by his later leadership. The transition from the 50s to 60s fashion can be explored to show the drastic change in the culture of those years. The events that led to the emergence of teenage culture after World War II can be outlined. The economics of international trade during the Renaissance period can be described to show the complex relationships of Europe. American Revolution in film rarely receives accurate portrayals. A look at its depictions can be interesting. A paper on the causes and effects of Cold War paranoia could show how quickly people can be overwhelmed by fear. The diversity of the Roman Empire is a rarely explored topic and could lead to an interesting paper.

Medieval medicine is a fascinating topic. It combines the ideas from Ancient Greece and Rome, pagan medicine, and many religious superstitions. Another interesting history topic is the history of dystopian art. In turbulent times, it may be especially fascinating to trace the development of dystopian art and see what shaped the ideas of dystopian worlds in different eras. Moreover, you may find it interesting to see the predictions about the modern era in dystopian literature and cinema. Medicine in the early XX century is an excellent topic for an essay.

At the turn of the century, there was a major change in the way people treated medical technology, hygiene, and chemistry. Groundbreaking achievements, such as the discovery of X-rays and penicillin, shaped modern medicine as we know it. The history of video games is an exciting essay topic. See how video games developed from the most primitive forms into the glorious, hyper-realistic works of art that we enjoy now. The history of quantum mechanics is a history topic that can teach us a lot about the world around us. You can write about the groundbreaking experiments that changed the way we think about nature, and learn about great minds who were not afraid to question even the most fundamental laws of physics.

Alternatively, you can write about the development of astronomy. Another fascinating scientific field that can show us how people in different eras were discovering the beauty and complexity of the Universe. Similarly, you can write about the history of evolutionary theory. All ancient cultures had their ideas about the origin of life. Another outstanding example of a revolution of human thought is the history of psychology. From the ancient idea of spirits and possession to the groundbreaking ideas of Freud and the discovery of conditioning — see how the cultural perception of the human psyche changed over time.

A topic closely related to the current issues, pandemics that changed history can be explored to see the effects of epidemics on nature, science, and society as a whole. It may also be interesting to write about how viral infections spread around the world. The history of transport is a fascinating topic. Starting from the earliest of times, humans are continually developing new ways of traveling as far and safe as possible. See how technology evolved from the discovery of a wheel to rocket science, and how it changed history and the world around us. The history of the punk subculture is an excellent topic for presentation. Show how punk philosophy, fashion, and music changed the culture in the U. and around the world. Another interesting research topic for high school students is the Great Depression.

Learn what caused the severe economic crisis, and what socio-economic effects it had on countries all around the world. From the first settlements built by ex-convicts to the outbreaks of smallpox and aboriginal resistance — the history of Australia is full of dramatic events and stories that we can learn a lot from. Or you can choose the exploration of Africa as the subject of your history essay. The story of two extraordinary individuals in search of a path into the heart of the continent inspired the novel Heart of Darkness.

You could compare the lives of real historical figures, such as Julius Caesar and Henry V, to those of their fictional counterparts. Voyages of Christopher Columbus is one of the most critical events in history before Or you can write an essay on Hernán Cortés , a pivotal figure in the colonization of South America. His actions against native civilizations are highly controversial, and his life story is full of myths and mysteries. The Civil War was the defining event in the U. history before It had an enormous impact on American society and led to major changes in the Constitution. One of the world history topics that everyone needs to know about is the culture and society of ancient Greece.

Incredible art, philosophy, politics, and scientific ideas of the ancient Greeks continue to inspire us today. Similarly, an essay on the Greek Dark Ages can shine a light on the fall of the great civilization. Chivalry in the Middle Ages is an interesting history topic, and it is often romanticized. Learn about the chivalric code, tournaments, and epic legends about famous Medieval knights. Also, it may be interesting to write a world history essay on King Arthur. Explore the real events that inspired stories about the legendary British leader and the Knights of the Round Table.

The history of Easter Island is a very intriguing history topic. The history of nuclear weapons is an excellent controversial topic for an essay and a discussion. The stories of research, development, and the use of atomic bombs can be used as cautionary tales for people today. From cave paintings and letters to telephone and the Internet — the history of communication is one of the best topics for a research paper. See how the means of communication evolved throughout human history. Also, the history of the Internet can be explored in your research paper. What was initially created for research and military use became one of the defining elements of modern life. The history of animation is an interesting topic for high school students. Learn about the evolution of animation — from the ancient Egyptian murals depicting motion to the first CGI cartoons and everything in-between.

The history of museums has many exciting twists and turns. Discover how people of different eras were preserving art and other extraordinary objects. Also, it may be interesting to learn about the most significant art thefts in history. The history of cosmetics is an excellent topic for a research paper with a presentation. See how makeup was used in different eras, what it was made of, and how historical figures influenced makeup trends of the past epochs. Amelia Earhart is a wonderful role model whose life you can research in your history essay.

She was an aviator pioneer and a best-selling author. Her disappearance in remains a mystery. History of Eurovision song contest is a lighthearted topic with serious political undertones. It was originally intended to unite all countries of post-war Europe in one song contest, broadcast live on television. The history of theater is a fascinating subject for a research paper. Theater first appeared in Ancient Greece, went through significant changes during the Renaissance, and it remains a popular art form that covers many genres. The history of the death penalty is an interesting topic for an essay that you can have a discussion about.

The death penalty has a fascinating and gruesome history and remains a controversial subject even today. You can write an outstanding research paper on the history of whaling. People have been hunting whales since prehistoric times for various reasons, including perfume and candle manufacturing. Another exciting world history topic is Gold Rush. While the California Gold Rush is by far the most famous, there were many other cases throughout history, dating as far back as ancient Egypt. One of the more mysterious history topics that you can write about is Stonehenge. This majestic stone structure has been for a long time associated with druids.

The latest discoveries suggest that it was used as an observatory. Maybe an even more mysterious history research paper topic is the Pyramids of Egypt. The only surviving Wonder of the Ancient World, they are some of the largest structures ever built, and their history remains intriguing. Or you can choose to write about all the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World! They are remarkable buildings and constructions, all but one of which are entirely destroyed, and some are speculated to have never existed. Similarly, you can write a paper on other beautiful buildings, such as the picturesque Machu Picchu. An iconic citadel of the Inca civilization, it is now considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

A paper on Joan of Arc can show how one extraordinary individual is capable of changing the course of history. Her life is surrounded by many legends, and she remains a popular subject in art. Delivered during the Civil War, it is considered to be the greatest speech ever. A history research paper on feminism could provide a timeline of the fight for equality. One of the most exciting history topics that everyone needs to know about is the Minoan Civilization — the first highly advanced society in Europe. You can talk about its discovery in the late XIX, the incredible art of Knossos, and its numerous legends, including the famous Labyrinth. You can choose to write an essay on history of Indigenous Australians.

The timeline of first humans populating Australia is full of mysteries, and their culture remains fascinating. An interesting essay can be written on the earliest universities. They were founded long before in Asia and Africa for educating government officials, and are a fascinating subject to explore. You can write an exciting research paper on Alexandria — a city in Egypt founded by Alexander the Great. In ancient times, it was a city like no other, and had an enormous influence on the Mediterranean culture. Middle Ages are full of interesting history topics — for example, you can choose to write about medieval magic.

One of the best topics on the history of explorations is the North Pole expeditions. It is full of dramatic events, and it took numerous failed attempts until the North Pole was finally reached in the XX century. The first English settlements in America are among the essential parts of the U. It includes stories of hardships of the first settlers, bad weather, hunger, and conflicts with native inhabitants. Napoleon is an incredibly interesting historical figure. You can write a stunning paper on the rise and fall of his empire. You can focus on a specific era in your essay — for example, Victorian England. This period of history, both fascinating and terrifying, still inspires countless novels, movies, and T. Titanic is an excellent topic for an essay and a discussion.

A cautionary tale about a luxurious ship that sank due to criminal negligence. Death of the Romanovs is an interesting history topic that is still being investigated. This gruesome story inspired many myths, including that of the survival of Anastasia. Similarly, you can choose an essay on the assassination of J. Learn about what caused it and what long-term effects it had on the American nation. Similarly, the assassination of Martin Luther King was an enormous tragedy for the whole country. The circumstances of this event are still not entirely clear, and there are several different theories as to what happened. Chernobyl disaster is a fascinating topic that is very popular today. See what led to the tragedy, and what long-term consequences it had on nature and society. The fall of the Berlin Wall is a crucial event in modern history.

You can write about life in GDR and FRG prior to the fall of the Wall and compare it to what happened afterward. Chivers The story of the gun that changed the world. Does It Help to Know History? by Adam Gopnik What does history teach us? See Also Great Articles and Essays A huge selection of the best nonfiction writing from around the net. American History The Arrow of Disease by Jared Diamond When Columbus and his successors invaded the Americas, the most potent weapon they carried was their germs. But why didn't deadly disease flow in the other direction, from the New World to the Old? Native Intelligence by Charles C. Mann The Indians who first feasted with the English colonists were far more sophisticated than you were taught in school.

But that wasn't enough to save them How Slavery Really Ended in America by Adam Goodheart How an unanticipated bureaucratic dilemma forced the hand of history The Case for Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coates Two hundred fifty years of slavery. Ninety years of Jim Crow. Sixty years of separate but equal. Thirty-five years of racist housing policy. Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole Last Days of the Comanches by S. Gwynne The last stand of the Comanche nation. Modern History A Brief History of the Corporation by Venkat Rao It is a sort of grim privilege for the generations living today to watch the slow demise of such a spectacularly effective intellectual construct.

The Age of Corporations is coming to an end How to Get Rich by Jared Diamond Why was it Europeans who conquered and colonized the world, rather than the Chinese or the people of India or the Middle East? The Reunification by Klaus Wiegrefe When the Berlin Wall fell in November , nobody expected Germany to be reunified less than a year later Germany's Unlikely Diplomatic Triumph by Klaus Wiegrefe An inside look at the reunification negotiations. Books by Charles C. The origin of humanity is heavily contested, with several theories explaining potential origins. The evolution theory is one of the theories that is widely accepted.

This theory traces human beings back to their initial forms when they underwent evolutionary stages such as Homo sapiens and Homo erectus. Populations to all regions was as a result of exploiting the available areas so as to promote agricultural activities. In both the Eastern and the Western Hemisphere, agriculture played a role to change the lifestyles practiced in the regions. In both hemispheres, agricultural practices meant that people were to change from being pastoralists to become farmers, as they could produce enough. It is true to argue that the events that occurred in C. E altered the history of the world. This is the era that is credited with bringing civilization to the world.

Anna Frank was, seemingly, just an ordinary Jewish girl, who attained worldwide fame for writing a personal diary. What made her story so special? Part of its significance comes from the extraordinary circumstances her family had to live in. An important aspect of any Roman urban center is its amphitheater. The general layout of any amphitheater has an oval, circular, or semicircular plan and tiered seating.

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