Apr 21, good essay - Reducing the Working Week Essay by: Anonymous Your essay essay about career grammatically very good. Read More. When you are a capable grown-up person and by free will you choose not to work, then somebody else will have to produce wealth for you, essay about career. A good job with a high income brings the workers many benefits. A Career Path in Environmental Engineering Choosing a career path can be challenging at any age, but it is especially important for young adults to choose wisely when it comes time to make decisions regarding the future.
Changing Jobs
We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essay examples. A career is a person's occupation for the most part of his or her life. Career management essay about career choice are important aspects of any career. Choosing your career is an important decision, essay about career. It requires you to analyze important issues such as your talents, how comfortable you are in performing a certain job, essay about career, and essay about career much you want to make. It is also wise to determine if you have the required skills for the career you want. Students are usually asked to write essays on careers because it is an important topic. Sometimes it may be difficult to describe why you picked a career.
However, once you look at a sample paper, you will discover that it's not difficult after all. Writing services give you a way to complete your career essay by giving you an example of the outline, introduction, and conclusion, essay about career. Read more. apply filters cancel. Most essays are graded by GradeFixer's experts. Sentence Structure. Evidence and Details. As a food technologist, it is your job to make sure food products are produced safely, legally and are of the quality claimed. You could be involved in developing the manufacturing processes and recipes of food and essay about career products and may work on existing and Career Job. I have always had a love of science and the human body since childhood, however my passion to go on to become a doctor has only flared up recently.
In my final year of University, I was diagnosed with an eating disorder. My GP was Career Career Goals. Tourism is a long-standing business in the world. But with the advancement of technology in transportation, essay about career, it started to rise strongly in this century and become one of the highest growth sectors in the world. Many countries have tourism as their main source of income Career Hospitality Success. Good leader, Hospitality industry, Ladder of the future career, Leadership, Management, Own career coach, Skill, Strong leader, Success of a strong leader, Successful career. My dad comes in the door, just getting home from work.
This is my first time seeing him all day since his day starts at 4 in the morning. He walks to Academic Interests Career Pharmacist. It is this amazing sense of gratification which you get when treating someone through a difficult illness that inspired me into becoming a physician myself. I still vividly remember the happy Career Career Goals Physician. Doctor of Medicine, Health care, Medical education, essay about career, Personal growth. An NFL star born with inherent football genes, Andrew Luck began making waves in the sport right from his high school days. Despite suffering from a spate of health challenges in the course of his impressive career, Luck has proven that he is an outstanding American Football Biography Career. Course of his impressive career, Highest paid NFL players, Professional play, Valuable players.
Jahseh Dwayne onfroy was a famous rapper that was known as xxxtentacion. He first started making music with ski mask the slump god. Jahseh lived in a bad neighborhood and was not like the good kids. He was arrested and wanted to change the things Career Celebrity Rap Music. The general principle declares that twins who share the amniotic sac are identical and twins that do not are fraternal. As time past, it was clear to our family Career Career Goals Lawyer. Keen interest, essay about career, Law, Lawyer, Legal profession, Personal experiences, Undergraduate studies, Unique perspective, Volunteer experience.
A former American professional baseball catcher during his playing days, a manager and Baseball Biography Career. Baseball, Former American professional baseball catcher, Huge success, Professional baseball player. Multiple work experiences have enlightened me about the career, Academic Interests Career Money. The educational track to a have a career in Neonatology is a long one. Four years of high school is needed, Career Money. Born into a family with longstanding basketball history, Pau Gasol has been melting our hearts in the right places ever since he began making appearances on the court, essay about career. The athlete launched his basketball career in the year and he has played for four basketball Basketball Biography Career.
I was anxious before I became introspective. I was anxious on 22nd December when I went to a cyber café to register for my Jamb Exams, essay about career. I was anxious when the scroll bar pulled down and I selected Law as my choice of course Academic Interests Career Lawyer. This job attracted my attention because it is an entry-level job, so at this stage, I can start my career with a possibility to Accounting Career. Great opportunity, Job, Main duties, essay about career, Salary range, Title of the job. I believe that my interest in medicine was like a essay about career flower as it grew with time.
The realization was almost immediate as I knew that I cannot see myself doing anything else, essay about career. The healthcare setting appeals to me as I understand the importance of Career Career Choice, essay about career. It is essay about career a widely accepted fact that our civilization has made more progress in the last couple of decades than in all essay about career human history put together, and the main propellant of this progress is the continuous development of Information Technology. Being truly a Career Career Choice University, essay about career. I am in a position to foster a suitable environment for working that is positive for both the consumers and other co-workers.
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The path was never easy for me. Struggles began as a three-year-old kid when I started Career Nurse. Walter Payton was the one of the essay about career NFL football players of all time. He was born July 25 in Columbia Mississippi. When he was he was a kid he was in boy scouts, little league, and active in his local church. When he American Football Career Famous Person. Erma Bombeck was a great and funny woman. She had many ups and downs in her life, but she never let them get to her. She just laughed them essay about career. Erma Louise Bombeck was born February 21, in Dayton, Ohio.
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Source: SudyMoose. Firstly, there are immense benefits that professionals enjoy sticking to the same job. But the most obvious ones are security and enhanced expertise in a specific domain that they gain during their tenure in the workplace. For example, a civil engineer who is designing the architecture of a bridge for years knows all the nitty-gritty details of the factors for building a robust bridge. Because of his vast experience, his company will also be interested to retain him as the same level of competency cannot be expected from a newcomer. This supports the argument that continuing the same job over the years has several positive facets.
However, many other people argue in favor of changing jobs recurrently. The main reason being when individuals work in several jobs they usually add more skills to their portfolio and this definitely improves their employability. For instance, when a wildlife photographer changes his job and joins an advertising agency, not only his skills get enhanced, he is also considered as more dynamic and versatile. Additionally, spending too long in a job also make people feel monotonous. This makes clear why the idea of shifting jobs is suggested. After looking at these two opposing points of view, it is felt that changing jobs every once in a while is of more benefit.
However, it is recommended that one should judge the situation prior to making a decision. Show more Show less Example 3, Reasons Why People Work The Question People in society work in many different settings, and for a variety of reasons. What do you think is the main reason why people have jobs? Only a very narrow-minded person would suggest that making money is the sole reason why people go to work each day. Personally, I believe that people find jobs to feel happier about their daily lives. I feel this way for two reasons, which I will explore in the following essay.
First of all, having a job gives our life a sense of purpose, which is good for our mental health. The objectives of our job are something to strive for each day and make it easy to establish both long and short term goals. Without a job, people often feel that their life lacks a sense of purpose. My own experience is a compelling example of this. In , after ten years of working in a fast-paced corporate environment, I was laid off from my job. Even though I was financially secure and did not need to get another position right away I felt extremely depressed because I did not have an official job. Pursuing my hobbies was fun, but I lacked something to strive for each day. This is because at work I had always been given sales objectives and profit objectives to work towards and without those I felt depressed.
Accomplishing professional goals always gave me a great sense of satisfaction. Secondly, jobs give us opportunities to meet new people on a regular basis, which can provide us with a sense of happiness. People who are unemployed interact mostly with their family and old friends, which can sometimes be boring. When I was in high school, I worked in a local supermarket. Although the job did not give me a very high salary, I often look back on that experience with fondness; indeed, in many ways, it was the best job I have ever had. I was very happy to chat with the eclectic assortment of customers who came in each day. They all came from radically different backgrounds than me, and as a result, it was stimulating to learn about their lives.
Even though I now work at a job that pays me a much higher wage, I do miss my low-paying supermarket job sometimes. In conclusion, I strongly believe that one of the main reasons people work is to feel better about their lives. This is because a job gives us goals to strive for, and opportunities to make connections with interesting people. It is the secret behind social progress and the defining characteristic of man. Work as we see it, is a virtue and a necessity. In times of uncertainty, interdependence and market economy, the individual has to rely on his work to ensure his own well-being. Work provides the individual with the ability to be independent, to flourish, to develop, and most importantly, to find a meaning to life.
This paper is centered on Edward W. Work requires the expenditure of time and energy. Man is in control of his time and energy when he voluntarily and constructively works. A little girl in one of the corners of the world who goes to the kindergarten and learns how to count, draw, sing or write, is working. Thus what the little girl does is one dimension of work, because instead of staying home to only eat and sleep, she is actually doing activities which are improving her as an individual. On the other hand, the man who has a job and devotes a lot of time and energy towards is a concretization of work for pay.
Through his work, he is producing wealth which he can later use to pursue his goals. Thus, based on the age, circumstances, needs and desires of individuals, work takes different shapes. Work provides individuals with the medium to realize most of their aspirations. Therefore, it is an important tool for forming the individual and the community as a whole, since we are all interconnected with each other. We produce and benefit from our work and that of another individual whose work might have an influence upon us. For instance a farmer who works his land does so by using a tractor which was produced in a fabric thanks to the work of other people.
Work is an essential tool through which individuals can achieve their goals, flourish and have a meaningful life. It is not at the root of a meaningful life but is an inseparable part of it. According to Younkins meaningful life is interconnected with reason, productive work, goal achievement, human flourishing and happiness. Since productiveness is one of the most important elements of a meaningful life an individual should work in order to be productive. Thus, it is through work that we can actualize our abilities and desires, and give meaning to our existence. Work is important because it helps us shape our personal identity. It is also the building brick of the community. In order to lead a meaningful life, we have to be rational human-beings who choose work as an indisputable way of flourishing our lives.
For instance, if we take into consideration the labor market and the people who get paid for their work, we can say that they can sustain themselves, their families and maybe have enough wealth left to spend on entertainment. These people give meaning to their existence and shape their life based on the work they do. Work organizes your life, gives you a reason to wake up in the morning and makes you understand the importance of other things in your life. You can get tired and frustrated from your work, but at the moment when you gather around the Christmas tree you will have been able to afford a present for your children and can cherish upon a glass of wine with your wife.
Work gives you the freedom to chose, freedom to have the things you need and desire. Independence means to actualize your existence by your own means. Work provides individuals with the necessary means to sustain themselves both economically and socially, provides the freedom to be part of a society. It is through work that we establish ourselves as a woman or a man. If you work, you produce wealth which only you have possession of and nobody else does. People live through their choices. For instance, Tom might chose to spend a quiet and peaceful summer at home or go on vacation. At the same time, Anna decides to do to a work and travel program and spend the same amount of time working.
In the beginning of the next academic year, Tom has to ask his family to provide the money for everything whereas Anna can do so on his own. At this point, the Anna has developed as an independent individual who can pursue her goals through her own means. She actualizes her own existence by her own work. To work is to spend time and energy in producing something, instead of lying on the beach and enjoying the sun. Therefore, through work we produce material values which we have possession of and can use it according to our aspirations. When you are a capable grown-up person and by free will you choose not to work, then somebody else will have to produce wealth for you. At this point it is not you who own the wealth but the person who gives it to you, who indirectly owns and controls your desires and needs as well.
Eventually, work smoothes the path towards individual independency. Flourishing is a synthesis of personal development and change towards perfection. These two factors require effort and persistence. Therefore, work is a necessity towards human flourishing because it contributes to our self formation, development and to the creation of material values. Through work, we can be productive and create material values. The task in this job is to analyze financial information, prepare and maintain assets record, profit and loss accounts, debt and tax […]. Once I complete my college education, I plan to seek a career opportunity as an IT contractor.
This decision stems from my observation and detailed research of the fast pace with which the IT world is creating lucrative job opportunities for contingent workers. For example, a recent report by TEKsystems indicates that 26 percent of […]. This will take about four years you will gain skills such as casting, […]. As late as the 20th Century, many career progression choices were made based on gender, tradition, family, and socio-economic status. As such, majority of individuals made career choices based on career professions of their parents or limitations of tradition or beliefs. However, the later years after the 20th Century, this form of career trajectory ended […].
My INFJ personality type is the advocate. The career path that I find the most interest in is becoming a doctor. This job would be most recommended for me since I have a desire to guide and connect with others with what they need assistance in. In addition, I find the need to ensure that […]. People end up getting into a profession where they neither enjoy nor get out of it due to several reasons like financial situation, family pressure, single source of income, cost of education and availability of vast career […]. Choosing a career path can be challenging at any age, but it is especially important for young adults to choose wisely when it comes time to make decisions regarding the future.
When it comes to choosing a career, it is important to research different career paths and narrow down a career option along with planning […]. Dentistry is a lot of schooling, meticulous, but rewarding as you help others. I believe dentistry would be a good choice for me because it involves a mix of science and math skills as well as creativity in the detail of making dentures and fillings. Click here to post comments. Join in and write your own page! It's easy to do. Simply click here to return to IELTS Essay Feedback Forum. Some people think that a person should change a career at least once, while others think that it is better to stay in one job for a lifetime. What is your opinion? In the modern days, it is quite a common fact that people change their job frequently.
Because of the rise of employment opportunities in private sector companies, there is huge demand for the professionals. It is argued that majority of the employees move to other jobs due to various factors which enforces them to do so. The discussable points are firstly to achieve their personal and professional growth as well as to break their routine work culture in official activities, employees prefer to change their jobs. Employees dream about their career to be increased form strength to strength. Hence in the need of fulfilling their goal, undergo the process of learning new skills and techniques for betterment of future.
Considering an example, one of my friend had changed his job in couple of years as he was not able to achieve his professional dreams and desired work culture. The employees are also not hesitating to change the job if there are offered higher designation with hike in salary. After analyzing, professional growth is one of the reason for job change. On the other hand, employees prefer to change their job, In order to break the monotony nature in the work atmosphere. For example, if the a typist in a company is bored with his daily routine work. Therefore, this boringness nature and monotony of the work will lead to search of a new job for the uplift of the career and as well the increase of financial status.
Hence after analyzing the regularity and unexcitement in their work life is the cause for the job change. Thus, in the future, it can be expected that this percentage of employment change will be likely to increase. Please provide feedback on this Work and Career Essay. Click here to add your own comments. Some argue younger people are not suitable for important positions in the government, while others think this is a good idea. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Important government positions in most of the countries are taken up by experienced people.
Some believe that young people are more suitable for these jobs, others however, are not in favor of assigning positions to young crowd. It is agreed that the new generation will work better in such positions, provided they implement the latest concepts and techniques. This essay will discuss both the views before giving a reasoned conclusion. The principal reason why young people are not considered for important jobs in administration is because they lack experience. In other words, an experienced individual will use his past knowledge and expertise to resolve the present issues. For example, in Indian parliament a question was raised whether to remove import duty, most of the young officers were in support of the bill, and later it was found that it was a bad decision.
This clearly explains the importance of experience and the need to refrain young crowd from taking critical decisions. On the other hand, it can argued that younger generation is more broad minded. This attitude will help the government take decisions based on latest trends and concepts. Although they lack the necessary experience, they will take care by referring to past case studies. Another point is that young generation will be more active and healthier than their older counterpart. Obviously, this will help them in carrying out their task easily. In conclusion, the younger generation is more broadminded and is well versed with the current trends and technology; this will help them in outperforming their older counterpart.
Personally, I agree with the fact that younger generations are more capable in performing vital administrative jobs. Some people believe that eventually all jobs will be done by artificially intelligent robots. Please check my answer and feel free to comment. There is no doubt that smart robots are substituting humans in many fields. Although many jobs can be overtaken by robots with human-like intelligence, it is unlikely that occupations that require human interactions can be carried out by smart machines.
In my opinion, Robots will inevitably be in charge of all the jobs that do not need a special set of skills or deep understanding of human relations. This is due to the fact that robots can be programmed in a way that eliminates or minimizes errors or mistakes that humans usually commit, which certainly leads to a greater productivity. For example, in many construction companies, workers who specialize in laying interlock tiles are being replaced by robotic machines. This does not only increase the accuracy of the work, but it also reduces the occurrence of harmful incidents that accompany such type of activities. Nevertheless, and despite the advancement of technology and science, there are still occupations that robots will not be able to perform.
This is because certain jobs demand an extensive understanding of human behavior in addition to the technical training and knowledge. For instance, in order to diagnose and treat mental or psychological disorders, professionally trained psychiatrists are needed to interact with the patients directly. For these reasons, it is undoubtedly clear that not all professions can be run by artificial intelligence. However, it is in my firm belief that there are multiple jobs that require essential human contact that intelligent robots cannot provide.
Some organisations believe that their employees should dress smartly. Others value quality of work above appearance. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. In the professional field, one can argue that people work better when they look their best. However, others believe that appearance has zero correlation to work, and prefers highlighting their quality of work. This essay will discuss both views, particularly how certain jobs are required to look smart while some jobs do not. In many careers, appearance is key in giving the best result. This includes sales and even a real estate agent. These certain jobs require them to persuade others to buy their "product" and often need to reflect a good smart appearance to gain success.
For example, professionals in sales and real estate agent are required to wear stylish and smart clothes. Since they are closely connected to customers and clients, they need to look good to gain people's trust. Can you imagine if you wanted to buy a house from a real estate agent that only wears a t-shirt and some shorts? The sight might be unappealing for many, creating the impression of "unprofessionalism" or "unknowledgeable". This will negatively affect the brand of the company. On the other hand, those working in the creative industry, such as visual artists, graphic designers, and musicians, don't need to wear smart clothes. Since their work tends to prioritize their creative art, people wouldn't seem to mind if they wear casual clothes.
They don't need to look professional because their appearance is detached from people's opinions. For example, a graphic designer will showcase their portfolio, with just possibly wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans. A new client who meets him or her wouldn't mind, because their quality of work is reflected in the designs that they make and not their appearance. In conclusion, I think in certain professions, it is crucial to look their best and to present a smart appearance. All of which is to pitch great sales and bring a good name to the company. However, in certain career fields, looks are not essential. Their designs, music, and other creative arts are prioritized rather than the clothes that they wear.
by Hayder Ahmed Leeds, UK. The length of the working week does not reflect modern lifestyle needs. It should be substantially reduced to give people more leisure time and time with their families. How far do you agree with this statement? Day by day, the life is becoming more complex and very difficult and people work for long time in every day. It is agreed that the number of working day in a weak should be reduced to give workers more free time with their families. Analysing both difficulty and complexity of life nowadays as well as people work hard for long time will show this.
Firstly, today, the life is complex and people spend a long time working very hard without a rest time. For instance, people work from the beginning of morning to the end of evening very hard. When they back to their home, they might be tired and stressful. Therefore, people can not find a free time to talk and discuss with their families and spend enjoyable time with them. Thus, this makes it clear why people need for more free time every week. Secondly, as people work hardly for a long time during a working day, they might be stress and their health could be not good. For example, when workers do their job, they will be standing all the time and sometime doing hard without a rest time.
Thus, their body could be very tired and in a bad condition and this routine continues every day.
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