Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Essay about summer holidays

Essay about summer holidays

It aims to help students regain momentum in weak subjects; during summer vacation, students get an essay about summer holidays to visit new places, increase their general knowledge, get time for school project work etc. Happiness often is an inside job and if you can attain true happiness and bliss, you have managed to have a great shot at life. Always believe in hard work, where I am today is just because of Hard Work and Passion to My work, essay about summer holidays. There are also some studious ones who prefer to study for their upcoming standard. The sun glows brightly at its peak during the noon time which makes it unbearable to be under direct sunshine.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay (100 Words)

Holiday in school means suspension of classes while holiday in an office means that there will be no usual activities carried out like other days and the employees are exempted from work and need not come. However, once the holiday essay about summer holidays over, everyone gets to work as before. Holiday is like a day or longer break which provides much needed rest to the people or students over burdened with workload or assignments. It rejuvenates us, making us ready for the work days ahead, till the arrival of next holiday. No matter how old we are or what profession we are involved in we always look forward to holidays.

Here are various essay on Holiday under different words limit to help you with the same whenever you need. Though there is a lot of study pressure on the students, it offers a number of other aspects to cherish throughout lives. Among other things, the summer, winter and autumn breaks that students get during their academic session are the best part of their journey. Students are lucky to get several holidays during the year, essay about summer holidays. They get ample time to relax, indulge in their hobbies and go on holiday trips. With the five days week culture creeping in the corporate sector these days working people are also able to plan holiday trips every now and then. Saturday and Sunday coupled with one holiday makes for a good weekend outing.

Working professionals these days are required to work for hours a day. Such hectic working hours often result in stress and can lead to health issues. Holidays offer a respite from this hectic routine, essay about summer holidays. It is a time to relax and rejuvenate. It is also a time to bond with family and friends. Holidays indeed hold a special importance for every person, essay about summer holidays. Besides indulging in different activities you must also take out enough time to take rest and relax during your holidays.

So basically studies, essay about summer holidays, studies and more studies. We go to school then go to the coaching centre and then study at home. There is hardly any time for other activities especially in the higher classes. Sundays come as a respite but mostly there is essay about summer holidays or the other test scheduled for Monday so we cannot escape studies even for a single day in a week. Summer holidays are the best time of the year for every student. We plan a family trip during our summer vacations every year. Our family trip is the best part of these holidays and I always look forward to it.

Most of the times the four of us that is my father, mother, brother and I go on these trips but many times my cousins also join us. These trips are always full of fun. Last year, we went to Ooty essay about summer holidays Mysore for six days. Both the places were spectacular. Ooty was particularly awesome. These places encompass many beautiful gardens and marvellous edifices. We went for sight-seeing, had scrumptious food and spent quality time with each other. It was a great experience. It was one of the best family trips we had every gone for. It was also the longest one. We often plan holidays only for days but this one was for 6 days and was thus more fun. I cherish the days spent there. These are my fondest memories of my summer holidays.

Holidays are a good time to take a break from the routine. It is the time to indulge in our hobbies, essay about summer holidays, meet our old friends and extended family members. However, we must not let our studies take a back seat essay about summer holidays this time. We must devote some time to studies even during our holidays. Holidays are a time to be with the family and friends. It is also the time to indulge in our favourite sport or pursue our hobbies, essay about summer holidays. We make numerous plans for our holidays but most of them are not fulfilled.

One of the main reasons for this is procrastination. We want to do a lot during our holidays but usually get lazy and vile away the time only to regret at the end of the holidays. Holiday is not a time to take a break from your studies or work in fact it is the time to improvise on these things. This will create dissatisfaction and you will yearn for another holiday to set things right. So why not keep things managed during your break and get back to work with confidence and enthusiasm. Just squeeze in an hour or two each day for the same so that you stay in touch. It is a good idea to join a hobby class. Indulge in anything of your choice such as dancing, swimming, essay about summer holidays, yoga, painting, sketching or music.

Take-up a short course for a week or 10 days depending on the number of holidays you have. Socializing is very important. But we can certainly do so during our holidays, essay about summer holidays. So take out time to meet them. Go for a trip with your family or friends to take a break from your routine life. Trips are refreshing. I always make it a point to go for one trip each during my summer and winter holidays. Most importantly, spend time with your family. Family always comes first! So, you must spend quality time with each of your family members.

Spend time with your grandparents, parents and siblings to strengthen your bond. Holidays are essay about summer holidays great time to bond with family and friends. It is also a time to follow your interests and rejuvenate yourself. So, make the most of this time. Be it a student, a working professional or a businessman — everyone wants a break from their work, essay about summer holidays. Holidays provide this much awaited break. They are also important for many other reasons. Holidays are a time when we can finally take a break from our otherwise hectic routine and follow our hobbies and essay about summer holidays. I always make it a point to join a hobby course during holidays.

I love art and craft and thus join different art and craft classes to hone my skills in the same. Last essay about summer holidays, I joined glass painting classes, prior to that I joined pottery classes and this year I am planning to learn the art of candle making, essay about summer holidays. My friends also join different classes as per their interest. Holidays are also a time when we can socialize with friends and relatives and spend time with our family. I love family outings. We essay about summer holidays at least one family trip during summer vacations. I am also allowed to go over to my friends place to spend the day every once in a while.

I also love the time when my cousins come over to stay at my place. Those days are particularly the best part of the essay about summer holidays vacations. Most importantly, holidays are a time when we can relax and understand how to improve our skills to perform better in our exams as well as other activities. I make sure that I set aside at least hours a day to study during the vacations. This helps me keep pace with my studies as I join back, essay about summer holidays. Working professionals and businessmen also yearn for holidays. But they do not get long vacations like the school and college going kids.

However, whatever little break they get they must make the most of it by indulging in the activity of their choice, essay about summer holidays. Working professionals mostly have long working hours these days. Many people even require working after they get back home from their work place. This hectic professional life often takes a toll on their personal life. They are hardly able to spend any time with their family members and this result in conflicts and strained relationships. Holidays give them an opportunity to spend time with their family to strengthen the bond. It is a good idea to plan a family vacation. Socializing is also very important and this can also be done during holidays as the hectic work routine does not allow any room for it during the regular days.

Holidays are important as they help in maintaining a balance between our personal and professional life. We must spend them wisely to make the most of them. Holidays are the best time of the year. I always look forward to my summer holidays as these are the longest holidays we students get during the year.

healthy food essays

So, our summer season was always packed with a lot of different activities. Now that we all tend to spend so much time on our mobile phone, these activities seem to be fading away a little. Often, a lot of us spend the whole summer season simply buried in our phone, surfing the endless pictures of people we do not really know and reading stories that have nothing to do with us. Ideally, I believe that summer season is best spent with the people we know and the things we love. Like everything else, time passes away and one season gives way to the next. So, no matter how much you cherish summer season, it is bound to pass and give way to the next season.

The good thing about life is that you can wait next year for it to come back again and the same fun and memories can again be relived. So, what are you planning to do this summer season? You do not mandatorily need to go out or engage in sports. In order to have the best summer season of your life, all you have to do is make sure that you are engaged in something which you love. It could be something as simple as reading books or as difficult as climbing a mountain. The choice is yours. Happiness often is an inside job and if you can attain true happiness and bliss, you have managed to have a great shot at life. So, let this summer season be the one you will always recall with a smile! The Indian subcontinent witness six seasons round the year, the lengthiest being the summer season.

It is a dry season with hot air and starts early in April and goes on till July. In summer, the couple of hours of the morning are charming. Numerous individuals wake up at a young hour early in the day and go for a morning walk. In March the sun does not turn out to be excessively hot before twelve. Be that as it may, by April the sun ends up hot by 10 a. The sun turns out to be exceptionally hot by twelve in May and June and singing breezes likewise start to blow. This increases the demand for electricity as people are confined to their homes with their air conditioners switched on. Numerous individuals rest on their rooftop.

India lies on the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere. The states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal and Jharkhand all fall on the line of Tropic of Cancer. As we all know that the regions around the tropic of cancer experience extreme climates, India is also known to experience extreme summer as well as winters every year. Since the Tropic of Cancer almost divides India into two halves, most of India is affected by the extreme nature of the seasons. The summer is extremely hot where the temperatures in India goes as high as 50 o C in some areas. Summer season in India starts as early as April and goes on till July, after which the monsoon season enters from the southern region of India.

The most smoking month for the western and southern locales of the nation is April; for the vast majority of North India, it is May. Another striking element of summer is the Loo wind. These are solid, windy, hot, dry breezes that blow amid the day in India. In Himachal Pradesh, Summer keeps going from mid- April till the finish of June and most parts turn out to be exceptionally sweltering aside from in high zone which encounter mellow summer with the normal temperature extending from 28°C to 32°C. In southern India, the temperatures are higher on the east drift by a couple of degrees contrasted with the west drift. The days are longer than the nights. In fact, June 21 is regarded as the longest day of the year and is also referred to as Summer Solstice.

The summer season, calls for the sowing of Zaid crops which is the season considered between the Rabi and the Kharif crops season. These harvests require warm dry climate for real development period and longer day length for blooming. The principle deliver are regular foods grown from the ground. Crops such as watermelon, bitter gourd, cucumber and muskmelon are sown during this season. No doubt, summer season affects the lives of the people in a major manner. However, people, regardless of high heat, enjoy the natural products like mangoes, cucumber, jackfruits, litchi, muskmelon, watermelon available in summer season.

Individuals in the urban territories adopt a considerable measure of exercises in this season like swimming, visit the sloping areas, Water Park, Fun Food Village, and so on. It is all over the great season for the kids as they get one and half months long summer excursion, spend a good time at home with family, go for visiting at cool spots, enjoy swimming, and eat desserts. By and large, individuals enjoy summer morning stroll before sun ascend as it gives cool, quiet and upbeat inclination with natural air. However, at many spots in India, individuals endure a shortage of water and dry spell condition as wells, channels, and streams go dry.

Trees endure falling of leaves on account of the absence of water. The dusty and hot breeze runs all day through which affects the health of the people. We have to eat more natural products, cool things and drink more water with the end goal to beat the hot summers of India. In the Southern hemisphere, December to march is the months of summer June-august are the months of summer in Northern hemisphere. Summer season is the vacation time and the hottest days of the year in any country. In spite of high heat, people enjoy summer as it is the season to dress in light clothes and cool yourself in a pool. It is also a best season for farmers for marketing their produce, and it is the time when you can eat ice cream any time of the season.

Summer season is a beautiful season singing a song of flowers, meadows and above all, it is a vacation season for most of the schools all over the world. The period of summer season varies from country to country. It is among the four main seasons of the year and regardless of where a country is in the globe, the number of seasons remain the same. The summer season brings hot and dry weather in the Mediterranean area and rainy weather in the East Asian part. People living in urban areas may be exposed to scorching weather, and due to unbearable summer heat, they visit cool places, seaside resorts, spend time in pools or camp at places or just stay in the comfort of air-conditioned rooms to escape the extreme heat.

While the hot and humid weather is a concern, summer season is the time when travellers prefer to visit places all over the world. During monsoon or winter, the rainy and chilling weather keeps us away from doing a lot of things which summer seasons allows us to do. The summer mornings are pleasant and as time advances the temperature reaches its peaks. In the afternoon, the sun rays are scorching, and the temperature falls by evening. Summer season is when we have to drink plenty of water as the hot climates make us thirsty regardless of whether we are at home or outside the home.

In some countries, during summer season, river, ponds, lakes or other water bodies dry up due to lack of water. It brings difficulties in water supply and availability of water in some parts of the world. Like human beings, even animals and birds also travel to places in search of water, and some birds die during the summer season due to unbearable temperature and sunstrokes. Leaves and plants dries up if not properly watered and cared. In the brighter side, it is the season when students get a break from their schools for the 2 or 3-months vacation. People prefer to go on trips and it is the time when people have some family time together.

During summer, people also love enjoying their evening and night under clear skies, ravishing moon and spends time even on the beachside. It is the best time for the festival and such activities where there is a lot of good food, music and evening parties. Summer evenings are also beautiful because of glittery and sparkling city lights when many people are out of home for visiting malls and relaxing with friends and family. In the southern hemisphere, December to march is the months of summer, June-august are the months of summer in Northern hemisphere.

Summer also reminds us that we must save all the precious resources like water and electricity when they are in abundance. Saving up of resources that are abundantly available will let us enjoy it when it is in scarce. We must save water and electricity as it contributes to global warming. After or during the summer season we can expect rain, which is a common phenomenon. Because of high heat, water evaporates and the vapors turn into clouds and fall as rain. Anywhere around the world, summer season is mostly warm. The summer season also brings bright and long days that unveils the beauty of nature where grasses are green, flowers bloom and animal life return to fields, though in some places plants get dried up due to insufficient water availability.

People dress in bright and light materials to feel comfortable under the hot sun, and everyone will be spotted in summer dresses, sunglasses, shorts, etc. During the summer season, the fashion game is on the point as bright colors are the trend for the season. Scientists believe that rising heat levels during summer each year is a result of global warming and they predict unbearable heat levels if it left unchecked. True to their admonition, during summer the temperature at different parts of the world has reached record high for the last couple of years, and it might result in severe catastrophes if not addressed properly. Summer has a clear association with vibrancy. The summer season also gives life to everything around us; plants bloom, animal wake up from their hibernation, people enjoy nigh lives, wear bright clothes and everything feels so alive keeping aside the heat.

For some people, summer could be an unfriendly season backed by discomfort caused by high heat. Some people consider it as a season of fruits where they get to enjoy mangoes, litchi, berries, bananas, pineapple, etc. The farmers prepare their fields and sow their seeds at this time. Though there is an increase in humidity and temperature, people from all countries enjoy the summer season for their own reasons like getting a chance to spend quality time with family and friends. The summer season can effectively be used to solidify empowerment. By nature, summer is a productive season, which is evident when you look around. So naturally, you will feel very excited, as you can engage with thrilling activities. Even though much is said about the summer season, none of the four seasons are strictly superior to one another.

Each season has its advantages and disadvantages. Seasons , Summer Season. Get FREE Work-at-Home Job Leads Delivered Weekly! Join more than 50, subscribers receiving regular updates! Plus, get a FREE copy of How to Make Money Blogging! Message from Sophia! Like this post? You must be logged in to post a comment. About Us Home About Project Testimonials Contact Us. Facebook Twitter. Sign Up. I would love to hear from you and read your comments on this article. Let me know what you think about this article. Is it helpful to you? Your comments and suggestions will serve as an inspiration and learning platform for me.

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cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". These essays are only words long. I am sure that you will love them. If you are looking for a short essay on summer vacation, then these are really perfect for you. My summer vacation was really awesome. I spend my time with my family. We went into a summer vacation in Bihar. There is my grandfather home. We spend around 15 days there. I met with my grandpa after a long time, I love him very much. We had a great time in the nearest jungle. We went there a few times to do camping and picnic. There is a small hilly river near the jungle.

I love that scene a lot. I love to spend my next summer there, again. In my last summer vacation, we spend the whole time is a village near Sylhet, Bangladesh, Sylhet is the most beautiful place in the country. I loved spending time there. My father has a good friend here and he was inviting us to visit his place a long time ago. He and his family have visited us a few times. And finally, my father decided to visit his place in the summer vacation. We went there on a journey by train. I love the train journey. The cutest and amazing thing was the tea gardens there.

I loved the place so much. I spend my summer vacation in a bungalow in the middle of a tea garden.

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